Hemophilia—The Royal Disease

Our CAP/CLIA certified lab, PacificDx is partnered with CHOC (Children’s Hospital of Orange County) to identify rare inherited blood disorders in infants and mothers to improve their quality of life. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The last royal family of Russia was speculated to be plagued with the “royal bleeding disease” passed down by Queen Victoria of England who […]

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trio-smart®: The New Breathtaking Technology

PacificDX is the only lab certified to run trio-Smart, a breath test developed by Gemelli. trio-smart  measures the standard H2, CH4, and CO2 and is the only BT that also measures hydrogen sulfide. You are at a fancy dinner party wearing your favorite dress and after the delicious meal, you are conversing with an old friend […]

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Negative Gluten ID Test Results can ‘Rule Out’ Celiac Disease in High Risk Populations

Brief:  First degree relatives of individuals with celiac disease are at elevated risk for developing a similarly severe gluten intolerance disorder. However, a quick screening test for the genetic alterations responsible for encoding gluten recognition immune receptors can rule out celiac disease risk in these individuals. Developed by Targeted Genomics, the DNA-based, non-invasive Gluten ID […]

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